NISC 2018

Dear Principals / School Directors / Heads of Schools,
Greetings from the Kingdom of Thailand, the Land of Smiles!
The Organising Committee of Matthayom Watnairong School has the great pleasure in inviting your students (16-19 year-old) to join us at our 4th Nairong International Students’ Conference 2018. This will be a great opportunity for networking and connecting with students and schools from other countries, and a powerful platform where students will be presented a chance to share a subject that is close at heart.
The main theme of the conference is The Youth of Today, The Light of Tomorrow with the sub-themes as follows;
(a)Self-Assessment Potential towards Present Society and Beyond
(b)The Ultimate Ingredients to Become a Leader
(c)Achievements Driven by Inspirations
The conference will be held on 27th – 31st August, 2018 at S.D. Avenue hotel,
Bangkok, Thailand. The hotel provides excellent conference facilities and is
exceptionally organised among the midst of Thailand’s best shopping malls,
restaurants and food stalls.
The official language used in the conference is ENGLISH. The conference will have various activities in store for students, as well as for teachers.
Keynote Speakers
Our speakers are outstanding who have had extensive knowledge and experiences relating to the theme and sub-themes.
Workshops and Plenary Sessions
There are workshops and plenary sessions for delegates to discuss the theme and sub-themes of the conference. This will also be a good opportunity for delegates to be chairpersons, respondents or secretaries of these sessions. There are also sessions for teachers to share best practices and innovations focusing on The Youth of Today, the Light of Tomorrow.
There are two competitions that delegates can participate in order to compete and win awards.
Outdoor Activity and Tour
Delegates will have the opportunity to enjoy a tour of famous sites, shopping trips and our world-renowned Thai food.
Schools may bring along their entrepreneurship products or souvenirs produced by their students to be sold at stores set up on the last day of the conference.
Cultural Show
Delegates will be invited to give a cultural performance presenting the traditional
diversity of songs and dances from their own countries.
(including airport transfer, special assistance and tour/excursion fees, entrance fees)
THAI DELEGATES USD 240 / delegate
Teacher delegates will also be required to pay the registration fees which cover accommodation at hotel, meals as shown in the programme, Thai showcase and concert, farewell dinner, conference cap, bag, T-shirt and more.
Visit our webpage at for more information about the upcoming conference as well as the previous ones. For alternative registration options or if you have any questions, please email us via
We are sure that the delegates will benefit from this conference, and we urge you to encourage your students to sign up as soon as possible.
Thank you very much and we look forward to seeing your school’s participation at the conference.
Sincerely yours,
Wanthana Chuchuai
Director of Matthayom Watnairong School
Bangkok, Thailand
Conference Coordinator: Ms. Areerat Lahip